можно так:
I like to wear my black jeans. It looks very stylish with a blue t-shirt and dark shoes. You can see a colourful picture of the pretty dog on my t-shirt. My jeans has some holes. It looks very cool. I wear the black lace-up boots. I have very stylish view and I like it.
Мне нравится носить мои черные джинсы. Это выглядит очень стильно с синей футболке и темыми ботинками. Вы можете увидеть красочную картинку с милой собачкой)) на моей футболке. У моих джинсов есть дырки. Это выглядит очень здорово. Я ношу черные сапоги на шнурках. У меня очень стильный вид и мне это нравится)
даа, правда я совсем по-другому выгляжу, но так проще написать
A - 1. Parents and children have conflicts due to the different wavelengths in wishes, values, attitudes ar beliefs.
2. Teens oppose their parents to establish policy and gain induviduality in the social world.
3. Teenagers suffer pressure because of academic studies, society and peers.
B - 1. The conflict between child and parents can be caused by any topic because of their different points of view.
2. Some conflicts become "battles" because teens often experiment with self-images and their parents don't agree with their choices.
3. Dr Teri says that teenagers expect acknowlegment from their parents, they want their parents to accept that they are changing.
C - 1. Teens and parents' relationship.
2. It = conflict
3. He = Carl Pickhardt
4. Which = communication
5. Her = the teen's
D - 1. Separation, differentiation and opposition are identified by Carl Pickhardt as necessary proceses.
2. If you aren't an observant and guiding parent you won't help your child.
3. Most of pressure is being caused by academic studies, society and peers.
4. Dr Carl told that household rules and responsabilities had caused the greatest stress in family.
5. The teacher asked why do I have conflicts with my parents.