“I think this is it, Mrs Grant,” – said doctor Cold (Kold) and handed her the prescription. The prescription (the list) was very long and Mrs. Grant was close to falling down in a faint when she finished reading it to the end. She had a headache, the had a cold, she was beginning to feel the symptoms of influenza. To cap it all, one of her children had mumps. “I also prescribed you the tablets (a medication) for high blood pressure,” – said doctor Cold. “How many tablets should I be taking?” “One tablet after each meal, that is three tablets a day.” Mrs. Grant thanked the doctor and heavily (with difficulty) walked to the pharmacy. She handed her long prescription to the pharmacist – to Mr. White. Mr. White gaily greeted her. “Now this is health!” (“What a wonderful health!”) he said, as he looked at the list.
Entrance examinations-вступительные экзамены
усваивать информацию- assimilate (large amounts of new) information
общее количество поступивших в вузы-total enrolment
самостоятельная работа (само-подготовка)-self-training
передовая технология - advanced (production) technology
расширение форм технической специализации - expansion of new forms of technical specialization
предприятие - enterprise
дальнейшее развитие - future development
огромное значение - Top priority
соотносить различные точки зрения - interrelate various ideas