Complete the paragraph with the past simple form of the verbs in the box. be ring buy drive go hear invite leave ring start tell when mr and mrs bell (1) went away for the weekend, they (2) their sons at home. the twoboys ( some pizzas and ( their friends to the house to watch videos. unfortunately, their friends (5) some beer and things quickly (6) to go wrong. when mr bell (7) his sons to check they (8) ok, he (9) loud musicand shouting. he and mrs bell (10) home immediately and (11) the boys’ friends to leave
how is your studying?
I am writing you late because I have to study.I have entered to college, how I wanted before.Now I have a time to write you.I have a big family.I have father, mother, old sister and little mother's name is Tatyana.she works in (напиши сюда перевод слова железная дорога, я не помню).my father's name is Igor. he also works sister's name is anastasiya .my brother's name is anton.he is little and started to go to school.I am fine and hope that you also.will you write me about your is to interesting to know about your life.I hope that I will come to you and we will walk in a park and have a lunch in cafe. your friend alyona