London is really an old city. It has existed for two millennia. It is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The river Thames is a jewel of the city. About 9 million people live in London. It is situated on a 1,580 square kilometers.
Лондон действительно старый город. Он существует на протяжении двух тысячелетий. Это – столица Объединенного королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Река Темза является украшением города. Около 9 миллионов людей живет в Лондоне. Он раскинулся на 1,580 квадратных километров.
The capital is a vast financial centre of the country. London is one of the largest and the busiest ports of the world. The city is divided into 32 parts32 parts..
Столица – огромный финансовый центр страны. Лондон один из наибольших и самых загруженных портов мира. Город делится на 33 части.
The City is in the centre, but it is only a small area of it. This part is the business sector of the capital. There are many offices and firms here. The Bank of England is in the City.
Сити находится в центре, но это только небольшой его участок. Эта часть – деловой сектор столицы. Здесь находится много офисов и фирм. Банк Англии расположен в Сити.
Besides, there are a lot of famous buildings and monuments. One of them is St. Paul’s Cathedral. You can see statues of outstanding British people: Wellington, Nelson and others in it. Another celebrated architectural masterpiece is the Tower of London. It was a palace, a zoo, a fortress and a prison at different times. The Tower is a museum now.
1. It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining and the world was bright.
2. Who were you talking to when I saw you last night? She looked familiar.
3. I spent the afternoon listening to Rick’s songs, but I didn't like them.
4. Jason had played in a band called Flotsam & Jetsam before he joined Metallica.
5. Vicky didn't want to see the film because she had seen it before.
6. David picked up the phone and called his best friend.
7. While we were watching the concert, it stopped raining.
8. A lot of snow fell yesterday, but it’s warmer today.
9. Caitlin and Ryan had known each other for years before they became a couple.
10. The musicians was preparing to go on stage when it started to rain.
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