confident (уверенный) - timid (неуверенный, робкий)
thoughtful (вдумчивый) - thoughtless (бездумный)
sociable (общительный) - anti-social (замкнутый)
sensible (благоразумный) - unreasonable (безрассудный)
considerate (внимательный, тактичный) - inattentive (невнимательный)
relaxed (расслабленный) - tense (напряженный)
lively (полный жизни, быстрый, подвижный) - inactive (пассивный, инертный)
amusing (смешной, забавный) - boring (скучный)
cultured (воспитанный) - ill-bred (невоспитанный)
warm-hearted (чуткий, отзывчивый) - heartless (бессердечный)
1) I will go to the theater tomorrow
2) Peter will come soon
3) We will go tot England next year
4) I will help you to do your homework
5) The game will start at 10 o'clock
6) My father will buy a new car next week
1) My friends will go to the zoo next Sunday.
My friends will not go to the zoo next Sunday
Will my friends go to the zoo next Sunday?
2) The weather will be good tomorrow
The weather will not be good tomorrow
Will the weather be good tomorrow?
3) We will take an exam next week
We will not take an exam next week
Will you take an exam next week?
4) You will go to the park today
You will not go to the park today
Will you go to the park today?
5) Ben will be at school in 10 minutes
Ben will not be at school in 10 minutes
Will Ben be at school in 10 minutes?
6) You will call me tomorrow
You will not call me tomorrow
Will you call me tomorrow?