Variant 3 Task 1. Read the text and answer the questions: 1. Why are spectators very excited when they watch kokpar?
2. A game of audaryspak always takes two minutes and is very dangerous. Do you agree?
3. What are popular Kazakh games?
4. What did Alexander the Great think about kumis alu?
1. Alexander Fleming is not as famous as Albert Einstein, Aristotel or Isaac Newton. Some people can say that he hasn't made a great CONTRIBUTION to science.
2. However, Fleming has also discovered much. His invention has become a great IMPROVEMENT in people's lives.
3. Alexander Fleming was born in Ayrshire in Scotland in 1881. He was a graduate of the MEDICICAL school of St Mary's Hospital in London.
4. Fleming is well known for his discovery of penieillin. The medicine is still used to cure diseases caused by bacteria. In 1945, the SCIENTIST shared the Nobel prize in Medicine with Howard Florey and Ernst Boris Chain.
5. In Madrid there is a statue of this KNOWLEDGED man who made our lives safer.