я конечно уже в тех комментариях написала, но вот фото
He got up at seven o'clock . He washed his face , cleaned his teeth, and combs . He went to the kitchen and had his breakfast . For breakfast he had a cup of coffee and cheese. When the breakfast is overed , he went to the office. He took a bus to got to his work .
At the office he worked till two o'clock . At two o'clock he had dinner. He finished his work at seven o'clock in the evening. He decided to walk a little after his working day. He returned hime at nine. He didn' want to have supper, he only drank tea. He dialed the number but nobody answer. His friend did not at home. He went to his room and decided to watched TV. When the TV programme did over, he sleep.
1. Someone cut Kate’s hair at 13.30 pm.
Kate had her hair cut at 13.30 pm.
2 The mechanic is changing Peter’s car battery.
Peter is having his car battery changed.
3 The hairdresser dyed my mother’s hair last Saturday.
My mother had her hair dyed last Saturday.
4 Someone checks Henry’s guitar after every show.
Henry has his guitar checked after every show.
5.The dentist checks my teeth once a year.
I have my teeth checked once a year by the dentist
6.I wash the car every month.
I have the car washed every month.
7.I have already washed the car.
I have already had the car washed.
8.I was washing the car when you called me.
I was havenh the car washed when you called me.
9.I remembered that I had washed the car.
I remember that I had had the car washed
10.I will wash the car tomorrow
I will have the car washed tomorrow.
1)to be –> was (singular), were (plural)
2)to have –> had.
3)to do –> did.
4)to make –> made.
5)to eat –> ate.
6)to go –> went.
7)to drink –> drank.
8)to think –> thought.