I think that the best way to learn English is to learn it in the English-speaking surroundings. I mean you go to an English-speaking country and live there. The method is very effective. When you are in this surrounding, you absorb English readily.
You can learn English reading and studing books or teach-yourself book. Their main aim is to help in learning English without assistance. In other words you take a book and learn English following an instruction. The instructions can be different depending on the author of the book or the teach-yourself book .
Emo story begins in 1985 g.Tak jokingly referred to some Washington team that played muzyku.Ih unusual musical style goes horse in punk, but to add to it vokal.Izryadnaya emotional melodic vocals and lyrics became a distinctive feature of the emo style.
Перевод:История эмо берёт начало в 1985 г.Так в шутку называли некоторые вашингтонские группы, которые играли необычную музыку.Их музыкальный стиль уходит конями в панк, но к нему добавили мелодичный вокал.Изрядная эмоциональность вокала и лирики стала отличительной чертой эмо-стиля.