Ваня ничего не ответил. Он вышел в сени и уткнулся в стену. Заяц тихо дрожал под засаленной курткой. - Ты чего, малый? - спросила Ваню бабка Анисья; она привела к ветеринару свою козу.- Чего вы слезы льете? Случилось что? - Пожженный он на пожаре, дедушкин заяц, - сказал тихо Ваня. -Бегать не может. Вот-вот умрет. - Не умрет, малый Анисья. -- Скажи дедушке, ежели хочет зайца выходить, пущай несет его к Карлу Петровичу. Ваня вытер слезы и побежал босиком по песчаной дороге домой, на Урженское озеро.
It was an ordinary day at my workplace, like any other. I came, had coffee and started checking data for a project. I turned on the radio and tuned to the "Aliens' wave". There was nothing special, I was used to that routine work. My expectations are to meet a creature of another civilization had long gone. But suddenly I heard some strange sounds I had never heard before. I made a bit louder and called my colleagues. We tried to make out at least a bit, replaying the record again and again, but to no avail. Throughout the whole night we were trying to crack the code. In the morning, the chief told us to go home and relax. Our job program had been made a secret one, so our building was far from the city, in the fields. When my friend and I had come outside, we saw some impressions in the wheat field. It looked as if a huge machine had passed through them. From satellite pictures it became clear that it was connected with that unknown radio signal. We started our search...
Dear Mrs.Smith,
I am writing to complain about pollution problems in our town.
To start with, our town is a very beautiful place, but now it is too poluted. The garbage is everywhere!
I suggest you to create a company that will clean up our city.
Looking forward to hearing from you.