Есть текст, по нему нужно заполнить пропуски в другом тексте: Psychologist: Okay, Nancy. Last week, we discussed your dissatisfaction with your job.
Patient: Right. I just feel like I can't do well in that environment.
Psychologist: I believe there are a couple of factors affecting you. For one, you're relying too much on social comparison.
Patient: What does that mean?
Psychologist: You always compare your success to your coworkers' success. In particular, you focus too much on Tim.
Patient: But Tim always does so well. I don't understand why he gets so much attention.
Psychologist: Well, analyzing Tim isn't helping you right now. You need to focus on your own work.
Patient: Okay, I guess you have a point. After all, he doesn't even work in my department.
Psychologist: Right. Now, the other problem is a little trickier. I think I see some self-handicapping in your behavior.
Patient: Self-handicapping? You mean, I'm stopping myself from succeeding?
Psychologist: That's exactly right. You keep saying that you don't care about this job.
Patient: I don't. How is that preventing my success?
Psychologist: I believe it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you change your attitude, it might improve your performance.
Patient: Hmm. That's a lot to think about.
Today, we continued the discussion of the patient’s
with her I advised her that I believe she is experiencing the
- effect. I recommended that she stops
blaming her , especially since she doesn’t look at her own
. Also, I advised her that to observe the cognitive
in her attitude.
Assessment criteria: fluency, accuracy, professional vocabulary
Начну с того, что мы с друзьями ездили на книжный фестиваль в Саратов. Я никогда не был на таком фестивале раньше и не думал, что это будет так интересно. Во-первых, там было огромное количество самых разных книг: школьных учебников, детских сказок, детективов, научно-популярной литературы и т.д. Но самое интересное было около детских выставок. там было много сказочных героев в шикарных костюмах. они показывали небольшие спектакли и зрители аплодировали. моно было самим принять участие в представлении. Это было так весело. Я играл роль Карлсона. Все весело смеялись! Я обязательно поеду на этот фестиваль в следующем году и приглашу своих друзей и родителей.
I start with the fact that my friends and I went to Book Festival in Saratov. I have never been to this festival before and didn't think it would be so interesting. First, there was an enormous number of different books, school textbooks, children's fairy tales, detectives, popular scientific literature, etc. But the most interesting action was near the children's exhibition. There were a lot of fantastic heroes in funny costumes. They showed small performances and audience cheered. Everybody can take part in the performance. It was so much fun. I played the role of Carlson and, of course, I was wearing like Carlson. I even had a fabulous propeller! People around were laughing! I'll definitely go to this festival next year and I'll invite my friends and parents