-Hey!Linda! -Oh,hi!I have not seen you for ages, Dave!How are you? -I am fine,thanks.And you? -Me too.So, did you hear about new university?I would like to get there. -What university?I did not hear about it.Can you tell me? -Oh, really?So...two months ago opened new university.There is the amazing teachers in it.The teachers are very qualified and have loads of chapters.They practice new methods of teaching.But the main reason to study there for me is the ability to work on probation in another country. -It is really cool.Some years ago it was my dream,but now...I do not know. -I know, that you want.Let's get there together.To tell the truth, I am afraid, because I do not know anybody, who will study with me.There will be a lot of foreigners. -I will think about it..Is it all about this university. -Hm...Let me see.The university will pay good grants.And you can skip lessons,when do you want.It is all, that I remember.If you want to know all information...I will send you the site of university. -AmI need to go.Sorry.Thank you, I will wait for your message.See you soon. -OK.Think about it.Bye.
-Oh,hi!I have not seen you for ages, Dave!How are you?
-I am fine,thanks.And you?
-Me too.So, did you hear about new university?I would like to get there.
-What university?I did not hear about it.Can you tell me?
-Oh, really?So...two months ago opened new university.There is the amazing teachers in it.The teachers are very qualified and have loads of chapters.They practice new methods of teaching.But the main reason to study there for me is the ability to work on probation in another country.
-It is really cool.Some years ago it was my dream,but now...I do not know.
-I know, that you want.Let's get there together.To tell the truth, I am afraid, because I do not know anybody, who will study with me.There will be a lot of foreigners.
-I will think about it..Is it all about this university.
-Hm...Let me see.The university will pay good grants.And you can skip lessons,when do you want.It is all, that I remember.If you want to know all information...I will send you the site of university.
-AmI need to go.Sorry.Thank you, I will wait for your message.See you soon.
-OK.Think about it.Bye.