1. When was the new method of “vaccination” published?
The new method of "vaccination" was published in 1798.
2. Who was the author of the new method of “vaccination”?
The author of the new method of “vaccination” was Edward Jenner.
3. Where was Edward Jenner born?
Edward Jenner was bornat Berkeley, Gloucestershire.
4. Where did E. Jenner start medicine?
E. Jenner started medicin in London at St.George's Hospital.
5. Is smallpox a rare illness now?
Yes, it is. Smallpox are very rare illness now.
1. Match the words with their definitions/ Соотнеси глагол со значением
1. go on + b) to continue without stopping;
2. go off + a) to become too bad to eat; to make a noise to warn about something;
3. go with + c) to be the right size, shape, or amount for a particular space
2. Write down English equivalents to the words/ Напиши английский эквивалент глагола
1. Подходить, соответствовать - TO GO WITH
2. Продолжаться - TO GO ON
3. Портиться, издавать громкий звук - TO GO OFF
3. Fill in the gaps with the correct particles/ заполни пропуски подходящей частицей
1. What color shirts go WITH brown corduroy pants?
2. I’ve set the alarm clock to go OFF at 7 am.
3. He went ON working until he was 91.
4. Don't eat that! I It's gone OFF!
4. Translate the following sentences/Переведи предложения
1. Когда купишь рыбу, положи ее сразу в холодильник, или она испортится.
When you buy some fish, put it immediately into the fridge or it’ll go off.
2. Эта рубашка не подходит к твоим брюкам. Переоденься.
This shirt don’t go with the your trousers. Go and get dressed!
3. Том продолжал рассказывать о своих приключениях, но его никто не слушал.
Tom went on speaking about his adventures but nobody was listening to him.
4. Когда грабители вошли в квартиру, сработала сигнализация.
When the robbers entered the apartment, the alarm went off.
(если можно наврать)
• я хожу в городскую библиотеку.
• я хожу в библиотеку 3 раза в месяц.
• я поступила в библиотеку в 3 года.
• я присоединилась к этой библиотеке потому что, мне она понравилась.
• я выбираю книги по содержанию.
• библиотекать может мне если мне нужна определённая книга, а я её найти не могу.
• I go to the city library.
• I go to the library 3 times a month.
• I entered the library at the age of 3.
• I joined this library because I liked it.
• I choose books by content.
• The librarian can help me if I need a certain book and I can't find it.
1) When was the new method of "vaccination" published?
The new method of "vaccination" was published in 1798.
2) Who was the author of the new method of "vaccination"?
Edward Jenner was the author of the new method of "vaccination".
3) Where was Edward Jenner born?
Edward Jenner was born at Berkeley, Gloucestershire.
4) Where did E. Jenner start medicine?
Edward Jenner started medicine in London at St. George's Hospital.
5) Is smallpox a rare illness now?
Yes, the cases of smallpox are very rare now.