Подчеркните в тексте предлоги, прилагательные, степени сравнения прилагательных. Modern life is impossible without travelling. Almost all people are fond of travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. It is very interesting to see new places, other towns and countries.
There are various means of travelling. People can travel by air, by train, by sea or by road. Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive, too.
Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. You can see much more interesting places of the country you are travelling through. Modem trains have comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars that make even the longest journey enjoyable.
Speed, comfort, and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is why many people prefer them for business trips to all other means of travelling.
Travelling by sea or sea voyages is popular mostly as pleasure journeys. Large ships can visit foreign countries and different places of interest.
Many people like to travel by car. It is interesting too, because you can see many places in a short time, you can stop anywhere you wish and spend as much time as you like at any place.
Nowadays a very popular method of travelling is hiking. It is travelling on foot. Walking tours are very interesting.
islands of the Nevsky delta, the city was stretched from the northwest on the southeast on 90 km. Climate of Petersburg — moderate, transitional from moderate and continental to moderate sea. Green plantings of St. Petersburg and suburbs together with a surface of the water occupy about 40% of an urban area. In St. Petersburg there is a lot of beautiful architecture: Palace Square with a winter yard, the Hermitage and t.d. Through the city of St. Petersburg the well-known river Neva proceeds. Within the city there is a set of the rivers, sleeves, channels and channels. About St. Petersburg it is possible to tell without certainly, in general it is very beautiful and remarkable city. Перевод : Город Санкт-Петербург находится на северо-западе России. Основан 16 [27] мая 1703г. Сначала назывался Петроград затем Ленинград и по нынешний день Санкт-Петербург. Город Санкт-Петербург находится в приделах Приневской низменности . Занимая прилегающее к устью реки Невы побережье Невской губы Финского залива и многочисленные острова
Невской дельты, город протянулся с северо-запада на юго-восток на 90 км. Климат Петербурга — умеренный, переходный от умеренно-континентального к умеренно-морскому. Зелёные насаждения Санкт-Петербурга и пригородов вместе с водной поверхностью занимают около 40 % городской территории.В Санкт-Петербурге очень много красивой архитектуры: дворцовая площадь с зимним двором , эрмитаж и т.д. Через город Санкт-Петербург протикает знаминитая река Нева . В черте города есть множество рек, рукавов, протоков и каналов . Про Санкт-Петербург можно рассказывать без конечно , вобщем это очень красивый и замечательный город .