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22.05.2023 04:29 •  Английский язык

Сочинение про Анджелина Джоли на английском языке


Жить в современном мире невозможно без восхищения кем-то. Почти каждый из нас находит человека, которому можно восхищаться или быть примером для нас. Мы стараемся учиться и копировать самые сильные черты его характера и некоторые уникальные особенности, которые могут быть полезны в нашей повседневной жизни. Я верю, что были и остаются люди, которые могут быть прекрасными примерами для подражания. Что касается меня, то женщина, которую я могу назвать своим кумиром, это Анджелина Джоли — американская актриса, кинорежиссер и посол доброй воли.



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Living in the contemporary world is impossible without admiration for somebody. Almost every one of us finds a person to admire or be an example for us. We try to learn and copy the strongest traits of his character and some unique features, which can be useful in our everyday life. I believe that there were and still are people, who can be wonderful examples to follow. As for me, a woman, who I can call my idol, is Angelina Jolie – is an American actress, filmmaker, and Goodwill Ambassador.She was born on June 4th, 1975, in Los Angeles, in the family of actors. Her parents separated when she was little. Her mother had to take care of two children: Angelina and her brother James. She often watched movies with children and that awakened Angelina’s interest in acting.But as a teenager Jolie felt like an outsider. She had non-standard appearance, weird habits and second-hand clothes. She was rebellious, rather thin, wore black clothes and dyed her hair red. I’ve read at a magazine that once she admitted that she did various drugs and led a reclusive life. She said she went through really hard times then and she is lucky to have survived them. Despite all this now she is considered to be one of the most beautiful women in the world. Her appearance is considered the most captivating and irreproachable.She is a multi-talented person. She has a certain style of acting, which distinguishes her from the crowd of other actresses. Also Angelina performs most stunts herself. I’ve hear at a interview that after the Lara Croft movies, Angelina Jolie came back to home completely covered in bruises.She is famous for her off-screen romances; Jolie has been married three times. The longest marriage was with an actor Brad Pitt. They started secretly dating while Pitt was married to Jennifer Aniston. This characterizes her as frivolous person. I suppose it was influence of age. They have three adopted (two boys and one girl) and three biological (a girl and the twins (a girl and a boy) children. She supposes that there are no differences between the natural children and the adopted children. I fully share her values. This amazing mother, who are growing up her children as a worthy members of society. Jolie is an example to be emulated. She had a lot of challenges in her life already and Angelina has always acted invariably courageous and resolute. Most clearly it we can see when she had a cancer risk. Then media paid her too much attention and Jolie wasn't embarrassed to speak about this problems and how to address they.After going public with her story, she wrote in the New York Times: "I am writing about it now because I hope that other women can benefit from my experience. Cancer is still a word that strikes fear into people’s hearts, producing a deep sense of powerlessness. But today it is possible to find out through a blood test whether you are highly susceptible to breast and ovarian cancer, and then take action."It is no wonder that Angelina has practically no free time. After all, she isn't only thoughtful mother, but also is a virtuous person, an active participant in charity and social activity.


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1)There are many interesting museums, exhibition halls and art galleries in the world and people love visiting them. They are especially popular among art lovers and people who prefer food for thought. Apart from art museums, there are many other types of exhibitions, such as historical, scientific, zoological, ethnographic, armoury, naval, etc. Museums of local lore are also interesting. They show how people lived and worked in this region. The most famous Russian museums are the State Tretyakov Art Gallery and the Museum of Fine Arts named after Pushkin in Moscow, and the State Hermitage in Saint-Petersburg. The Hermitage houses more than 350 exhibition halls with a very rich collection of art works. The largest Museum of Great Britain is the British Museum, which is famous for its huge library. The most famous museum in France is the Louvre. I have once visited the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and it was an unforgettable experience. There I understood that art reflects life and appeals to our hearts and minds. This museum has one of the largest collections of the ancient, oriental and classical art in the world. Apart from paintings, I saw some outstanding sculptures there. The Pushkin Museum also holds one of the biggest collections of Ancient Egyptian Art. The Tretyakov Gallery is also huge and it contains mainly the works of famous Russian artists. One day isn’t enough to see all of its masterpieces. The museum has seven departments with portraits, seascapes, landscapes and other genres of painting. To sum up, I’d like to say that all museums are interesting and they give us an opportunity to learn something new about different nations and countries.

2)The magnificent Palace of Hampton Court (Hampton Court Palace) is located in the bend of the Thames in the west of London.

The palace, built in the beginning of the XVI century, for a century and a half was the favorite residence of the English monarchs.

At the end of the XVII century, King William III began the reconstruction of the palace, but did not have time to finish it, since during a horse walk through the palace garden, he suffered a great deal, falling from the horse.

From severe trauma the king did not recover and soon died. After that, the monarch's love for the palace cooled, he came to desolation. Already in the XIX century, the legendary Queen Victoria ordered to renovate the palace and open it to the general public.

Visitors to Hampton Court have been admiring the magnificent palace garden for a century and a half. Ponds, trees, elegant French shrubs, hedges, graceful rose gardens ... Especially beautiful in the summer. Also here it grows, and to this day the vineyard planted in 1768 is bearing fruit.

The famous site of interest is the Hampton Court maze. The labyrinth was designed and planted with hedges as far back as 1690 and to this day, it remains one of the largest labyrinths in Europe.

To us this ancient labyrinth of bushes is known, first of all, thanks to writer Jerome K. Jerome. It was there that Jerome's characters wandered in one of the chapters of the novel "Three in a boat, not counting a dog".

The most notable objects inside the Hampton Court Palace are the chic Great Hall of Henry VIII, whose medieval interior is elegantly decorated with ancient tapestries commissioned by King Henry himself, the Royal Chapel, to which Anglican services are still held, and the room where the precious crown of the 17th century is kept.

 Special attention should be paid to the medieval toilet bowl of the same King Henry VIII. It is said that the king possessed an extensive collection of exclusive stools for this toilet bowl.

Despite the fact that Hampton Court Palace is located within the limits of London and is less than 20 kilometers from the center, it is best to get there by train.

Since there are no metro stations near to Hampton Court, and on the bus the road can be long and confusing. From Waterloo station, from central London, trains to Hampton Court depart every half hour.

The road to the Hampton Court station takes about 35 minutes. From the station you only need to cross the bridge, and you will find yourself at the front entrance to the famous palace.

The palace and its luxurious gardens open daily at 10 am. In winter they close at 16-30, in the summer at 18-00. Weekend at the Palace - only three days a year - 24, 25 and 26 December - Christmas holidays.

By the way, if you reached Hampton Court, then, after spending half a day in the palace and its gardens, you can also visit the nearby Royal Park of the Bush. This is the former royal hunting ground, where to this day, completely roam deer, roe deer, badgers, and also permanently live a lot of rare English birds

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НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЕ ДНИ ТОМА СОЙЕРА. Что общего имеют рассказы о Томе Сойере и о прыгающих лягушках?  Оба рассказа были написаны одним человеком: Марком Твеном. (Его настоящее имя было Сэмюэл Клеменс, а имя Марк Твен было его псевдонимом.) Твену было 4 года, когда его семья переехала в Ганнибал, (штат Миссури), расположенный на западном берегу реки Миссисипи. Твен вырос там и был очарован жизнью на берегу этой реки: пароходами, гигантскими лесосплавляющими плотами, и людьми, которые работали на них.
"Знаменитая скачущая лягушка из Калавераса" - один из самых наиболее любимых коротких рассказов Твена, а Приключения Тома Сойера - один из его самых известных романов. С обоими этими произведениями связаны  мероприятия, проводимые ежегодно четвертого июля, в Национальные дни Тома Сойера . Мальчик на фото участвует со своей лягушкой в лягушачьем конкурсе прыжков. Есть здесь также и конкурс по покраске забора, чтобы посмотреть, кто может в нём быть самым быстрым. Идея этого конкурса идет со сценки про Тома Сойера, в которой тому было сказано, покрасить забор перед домом, в котором он живет. Был прекрасный день, и он предпочел бы делать что угодно, но не красить забор. Когда приходят его друзья, он убеждает их, что красить забор очень весело, и они присоединиться к "веселью". К концу дня, забор имеет три слоя краски!
Хотя история про Тома Сойера - это вымысел, она основана на фактах. Если вы будете в городке Ганнибал, вы увидите белый забор, который до сих пор стоит у  дома, где провёл своё детство Марк Твен.
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