1. Sometimes, my lazy occur in my study 2. Actually, my home is normal habitat for my pet 3. My decisions always set up on my conclusions. 4. Will someone help me to solve my problems? 5. I wanna make sure in my future. 6. Я не знаю, что это за слово. Проверьте правильно ли вы его записали? 7. Someday I will be released from my school and will enter the University. 8. In future Global cutting down the trees will turn in global ecological problem 9. I wanna be well-educated person who also know English on high level, because it will increase my chances to get a well-payed job. 10. In internet I always obscure my real name and use nickname instead of it. 11. Sometimes, in my life occur sever period, but I try to make it right. 12. it’s hard to understand intention of girls. ( Видимо, вы это слово написали с ошибкой ) 13. I can use computer simply. 14. We must treated well to our enviromentally (Опять же, если слово написано правильно) 15. In my life, I must rely on only on myself. 16. Perhaps my dream will turn into life. 17. Я не знаю, что за словосочетание. Проверьте правильность и напишите. 18. Its soil of National park.
Rules for students: 1) You must not speak loudly at the lesson. - Ты не должен громко разговаривать на уроке. 2) You must not run round the desks during the break. - Ты не должен бегать вокруг парт во время перемены. 3) You must not be late at your lessons. - Ты не должен опаздывать на уроки. 4) You must be polite. - Ты должен быть вежливым 5) You must not speak rudely to anybody. - Ты не должен разговаривать грубо с кем бы то ни было. 6) You must not come to school without your school uniform. - Ты не должен приходить в школу без школьной формы.
Rules for teachers: 1) You must know your subject well. - Вы должны хорошо знать свой предмет. 2) You must not shout at the students - Вы не должны кричать на учеников 3) You must consider the opinions of students - Вы дожны учитывать мнение учеников 4) You should not give a bad mark for the student's behavior at the lesson in the class register - Вы не должны ставить плохие оценки за поведение на уроке в классный журнал
2. Actually, my home is normal habitat for my pet
3. My decisions always set up on my conclusions.
4. Will someone help me to solve my problems?
5. I wanna make sure in my future.
6. Я не знаю, что это за слово. Проверьте правильно ли вы его записали?
7. Someday I will be released from my school and will enter the University.
8. In future Global cutting down the trees will turn in global ecological problem
9. I wanna be well-educated person who also know English on high level, because it will increase my chances to get a well-payed job.
10. In internet I always obscure my real name and use nickname instead of it.
11. Sometimes, in my life occur sever period, but I try to make it right.
12. it’s hard to understand intention of girls. ( Видимо, вы это слово написали с ошибкой )
13. I can use computer simply.
14. We must treated well to our enviromentally (Опять же, если слово написано правильно)
15. In my life, I must rely on only on myself.
16. Perhaps my dream will turn into life.
17. Я не знаю, что за словосочетание. Проверьте правильность и напишите.
18. Its soil of National park.