Exercise 331 Измените в предложениях время Present Simple на Past Simple: Dothe boys stand at the corner? 2. Keith lives in Prague Does Augustin marry his girlfriend? The company develops new gadgets Does the train leave the station? Gisela does not have a computer, Do you practice your English? The girls do not chat in a forum. The player does not kick the ball. 10. Does Tom hurt his arm?
2. She told me to immediately go to the post-office because in half an hour they would be having a break and they would be closing down for dinner.
3. The secretary told me to go to the director and hand in my application right then because in about 15 minutes, when he was having visitors, I won't be able to speak to him.
4. The typist said she was sure she would be still typing my report if I came in an hour adding that I had better come in about an hour and a half.
5. The young man said over the telephone that he had got two tickets for that day's performance adding that if they took a taxi, they would be there in no time. He also said that he would to be waiting at the entrance.
6. The instructor said that at the same time on the following day the first group of tourists would be coming to their camp.
7. She asked them if they would still be discussing her proposal if she came half an hour later.