UK schools: Secondary schools in Great Britain are subdivided into independent, comprehensive, middle, grammar and secondary modern schools. After finishing primary schools, which are subdivided into independent and state primary schools, the English schoolchildren have the second standard test. After the getting the secondary education English schoolchildren receive the certificate of a secondary education after passing the third standard test. At the age of 16-18 English young people can go to the 6-th form college for further education.
Ukraine schools: The objective of general schooling is to give younger students knowledge of the arts and sciences, and teach them how to use it practically.[8] The middle school curriculum includes classes in the Ukrainian language, Ukrainian Literature, a foreign language, world literature, Ukrainian History, world history, geography, algebra, geometry, biology, chemistry, physics, physical education, music and art. At some schools, students also take environment and civics classes. Students attend each class only once or twice a week, however. Part of the school day is also spent in activities such as chess, karate, putting on plays, learning folktales and folk songs, choir and band. After school, students might also have music lessons, soccer, hockey, or tennis.
1. The hurricane has destroyed the town.
2. The group has just arrived at Honolulu airport.
3. Jeremy has joined the rescue team to help people after the earthquake.
4. The rangers from the group have helped the injured.
5. Forest fires have not occured in the same area since last year.
6. Their house has collapsed because of the flood.
7. There has never been such a terrible natural disaster there for 2 years already.
8. Volunteers from all parts of the country have come here.
9. There has not been running water since the flood.
10. His family has survived in the tsunami.
I'm teaching my pet to run fast.
My pet can swims