orgullosa de ofrecer un gesto de felicidad a tantos compatr
Daniel: ¿Tienes proyectos a largo plazo?
Mireia: Como deportista, lo más inmediato es el Mundial de Barcelona, para el que animo a todos a que estén presentes y apoyen al equipo español. Seguro que será un espectáculo deportivo de primer orden. A medio plazo, las Olimpíadas de Brasil. En lo personal, acabar mis estudios e intentar crear mi propia pequeña empresa.
Daniel: ¿Qué consejo les darías a las jóvenes que quieran iniciarse en esta profesión como tú?
Mireia: No soy nadie para dar consejos. No obstante, diría a modo de sugerencia, que se diviertan y disfruten del deporte que practican. Y que si llega un día en el que ya no las apasiona lo que hacen, que lo dejen inmediatamente.
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A person I admire
My brother is the person that I admire. He is kind and smart, and always helps everyone, especially me. He explains difficult tasks and gives life lessons. “Always go all the way and never give up” is his favorite quote. He used to play sports when he was a child. He has started to play football with great enthusiasm. In a year, he has been promoted to the major player. Sometimes he played better than others, despite the fact that they are 3 years older than him. When he turned 14, he was called to the second squad of the zhetisu team. There is no precedent for a calling a simple guy from a village to the second squad. As it turned out, they just wanted to get the best player in our city in the main squad as soon as he turned 16. But he rejected their suggestion because he had a great enthusiasm for science. He is now studying scientific chemistry and is one of the strongest students in his environment. Since childhood, he has been an idol for me, but I cannot be like him, because I haven't talents which he has. Even so, I try to develop in a different areas to become as great as him. So far I cannot catch up with him because I am lazy.