1)He speaks English .
2)She reads a book .
3)My sister writes letters .
4)Sam goes to school .
5)Our father gets up at nine o'clock in the morning .
6)She has interesting boots.
1) She likes animals. Does she like animals? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.
2) They play football in the afternoon. Do they play football in the afternoon? Yes, they do. / No, they don't.
3) His mother cooks dinner in the morning. Does his mother cook dinner in the morning? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.
4) Does he read newspaper every evening?
5)You have holidays in summer. Do you have holidays in summer? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
1)Bill does not(doesn't) play the guitar very well .
2) You do not(don't) speak French .
3) The children do not (don't)play hockey on Mondays .
4)Barbara does not (doesn't) live in London .
5) My father does not (doesn't)write poetry .
6) I do not (don't) dive very well.
James is a student. He gets up early every morning and has breakfast with his family. Then he leaves for school. James catches the bus to school because his school is far from his home. He meets his friends at school before he starts lessons . After school, he returns home and does his homework . In the evening, he usually watches TV or reads a book.
Менің Қазақстаным - ең қымбат, маңызды, қымбат, сүйікті ел. Бұл менің Отаным ... Біздің ата-бабаларымыз оны қоныстандыру, игеру, жаулардан қорғау және оны бүгінгі өмір сүріп жатқан бізге жеткізу үшін көптеген ғасырларды қажет етті. Өткен ұрпаққа қаншама еңбек, тер мен қан, қуаныш пен азап келді. Халқымыздың поэтикалық мұрасында әсемдіктің көптеген таңқаларлық суреттері бар.Мен өз Отанымды - Қазақстанды жақсы көремін және оны әрқашан жақсы көремін. Ал сүю дегеніміз - пайдалы болу, туған еліңе қамқор болу, оның өткеніне құрметпен қарау және жақсы болашақ құру.
you need to be educated at school. It is necessary to study well ,you should not be a bully, and if you commit a bully, the parents will be responsible for this, you should not be a bully.Children will have the right to do what they do,do what they don't do.