Поставь мне лучший ответ. Я старался.
He always skates on Fridays.
My friend has a new laptop.
I get up after my sister.
They usually go to bed at 9.30.
I eat crisps sometimes.
He does his homework at the kitchen table.
They sit on the bench.
We often walk in forest.
The boys play hockey.
Frank and Robert meet after school.
She is from Scotland.
I read books at home.
Sometimes we write tests.
He has one sister and two brothers.
The girls go to the club every Saturday.
You are in the kitchen.
Все предложения употреблены в Настоящем простом времени, The Present Simple. Порядок слов в английском такой: сначала сущ., затем глагол, далее обстоятельства места и потом обстоятельства времени.
28th October
Dear Willy,
Thank you for your letter. It was great to hear from you. I'm sony
didn't to you for ages.
I am on a school trip to Russia at the moment. I have got lots of
exciting things to tell you. One of them is about a picnic in Kolomenskoye
park where my Russian friends and i went last Sunday. The weather was warm and sunny. We get to the park at noon and found an ideal
place for a picnic on the hill with a great view of the Russian church.
Firstly, we helped Viad's parents put the blankets and deck chairs on
the soft green grass. Viad's mother took a great picnic basket with
lots of great things in it such as chicken rolls, sandwiches, lemonade and
cakes. After lunch we all went to fly kites. It was windy and soon our
kites were high in the sky like big bright birds. You know, my hobby is
flying kites, that is why my kite was the highest of all.
Viad has got a pet dog. It ran about and wanted to play with us, So.
when we went with the kites we began to throw the ball to Viad's
dog. Then we played football and badminton. Vlad's mum had a camera
and took pictures of all of us to keep unforgettable memories of the
wonderful day we spent in Kolomenskoye.
Best wishes,