a nursery school
a fee-paying school- школа с контрактным платежом
infants’ school,-детская школа,
Comprehensive school-общеобразовательная школа,
a grammar school- гимназия
academic education, eleven-plus examination, a secondary modern school-академическое образование, экзамен одиннадцать с плюсом, средняя общеобразовательная школа
city technology college-городской технологический колледж
an independent school, независимая школа
government, - правительство
a business sponsor, - спонсор по бизнесу
to operate, - работать
broad secondary education, -
to charge fees, общеобразовательная школа-пансион, - взимать плату,
separate, - отделять
a public school, - государственная школа
a department, - департамент
law, - закон
engineering, инженерия
a staff, - руководство
a lecturer, - учитель лекции
to provide a hostel, - обеспечить хостел
teachers’ training college, - колледж по подготовки учителей
to found, найти
to establish, - установить
long ago.-давно
He is told lies every day.
I was offered a seat.
Helen wasn't shown the nearest way to the hospital.
The window won't be left open.
Three foreign languages are taught at this school.
was built
was discovered
wil ask
should be kept
The juice will be drunk tomorrow.
Dogs are often forgotten.
The present wasn't given yesterday.
Will the vegetables be defrosted?
Are the mice caught daily?
1 will recognize
2 is going to
3 will miss
4 will leave, is driving
will wake
5 will not forget
6 will get
7 is staying
8 will say
9 does the film start
10 will leave
were doing, rang
was making
realized, was travelling
was playing , threw
was walking, attacked
were fishing, came, left
bit, was putting
did you break
fell, was putting
is, will go
give, will take
had, would help
don't go, will be
wasn't, wouldn't live
would take, lived
will you do, is
had, would travel
were, would go
wouldn't take, were
2-аm sleeping (буду спать)