That’s OK. It’s late. Нормально. Уже поздно.
Our meeting’s at twelve thirty.
Наше собрание в двенадцать тридцать.
We can take a taxi. Мы можем взять такси.
Do you like the shirt?
Тебе нравится блузка?
Well, yeah, it’s exactly the same as the other one. Ну, да, она точно такая же, как прежняя.
The same? It’s completely different!
Такая же? Она совершенно другая Типичный мужчина!
Allie, can I ask you something?
Алли, могу ли я с тебя?
Yeah. What?
Да. Что?
Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?
Ты хотела бы пообедать со мной сегодня вечером?
Tonight? Сегодня вечером?
Yeah. You see… it’s my birthday.
Да. Ты видишь ли ... сегодня мой день рождения.
Oh! Happy birthday!
1) When I meet my friends, we usually talk about playing games.
2) I never forget to thank my parents for giving me pocket money.
3) I've been thinking of bying a new phone for a rather long time.
4) I've never dreamt of going to China in my life.
5) My sister often complains of being ignored.
6) Once I tried to stop my friend from eating too much pizza.
7) I don't often complain of studying at my school.
8) Nobody can keep me from listening to my favourite music.
9) I'll never forget how once I had to apologize for breaking a plate in the school canteen.
10) Only hurricane can keep me from leaving home.
эй напиши мне на русском я потом на английский язык переведу