1. According to our customs regulations, this is not subject to customs tax.
2. Is this item subject to customs restrictions?
3. Personal belongings are usually not subject to duty if they do not exceed a certain quota.
4. At customs, the passenger's luggage is carefully checked by customs officers.
5. Sometimes customs officials search passengers' belongings thoroughly in order to prevent the smuggling of goods subject to customs duties.
6. It took me about two hours to go through all the formalities at customs.
7. If the passenger has any thing that falls under customs restrictions, he is asked to declare it in the declaration.
8. Only after passing through customs, the traveler can go to the hotel or any other place.
9. We exceeded the quota and had to pay a large amount of customs duty.
10. I am a citizen of Russia, here is my entry visa. The purpose of my trip to the UK is tourism.
В английском языке окончания "-s" и "-es" добавляются к глаголам настоящего времени (Present Simple) в 3 лице единственном числе (с местоимениями he, she, it) в утвердительной форме.
He reads, she sings, it sleeps и т.д.
При этом, если глагол оканчивается на -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o , то к глаголу добавляется окончание "-es" .
Vera wishes, Tom goes и т.д.
Если речь идет о вопросительной или отрицательной форме глаголов в Present Simple, то окончание -es добавляется только к вс глаголу do в 3 лице единственном числе. При этом к смысловому глаголу окончание "-s", "-es" не добавляется.
Does he read?
She doesn't sing.
Does Tom study?