В: Вам подобається цей письменник?
Б: Я не впевнений. Мені дуже сподобалася одна з її книг, але мені не сподобалася жодна з книг, які вона написала.
2 В: Ви були в будь-якому місті Великобританії, крім Лондона?
Б: Так, коли я відвідав цю країну минулого року, я поїхав до Бірмінгема.
3 В: Ви самі по собі?
Б: Так, але вже в дорозі. Вони незабаром будуть тут.
4 В: Чи велика компанія, в якій ви працюєте?
Б: Він має два основних офіси. офіс знаходиться в Лісабоні, а - у Парижі
5 В: Чи можемо ми прийняти рішення зараз?
Б: Ні, я думаю, ми мали б пізніше обговорити цю тему.
1. Did the headwaiter show the guests into the dining room? The headwaiter didn't show the guests into the dining room
2. Did he meet the guests in the lobby? He didn't meet the guests in the lobby
3. Did they order a good dinner? They didn't order a good dinner.
4. Did they take a vacant table by the window? They didn't take a vacant table by the window.
5. Did we order a hearty breakfast in the morning? We didn't order a hearty breakfast in the morning.
6. Did we dine at a good diner yesterday? Yesterday we didn't dine at a good diner.
7. Did we taste delicious dishes? We didn't taste delicious dishes.
8. Was the marmalade sweet? The marmalade wasn't sweet.
9. Were the steaks well done? The steaks weren't well done.
10. Did we have many dishes on the menu yesterday? We didn't have many dishes on the menu yesterday.
11. Did we go shopping yesterday? We didn't go shopping yesterday.
12. Did we have many guests yesterday? We didn't have many guests yesterday.
13. Was it a nice day yesterday? It wasn't a nice day yesterday.
14. Did we cook a good dinner yesterday? We didn't cook a good dinner yesterday.
15. Did our friends have dinner at the restaurant? Our friends didn't have dinner at the restaurant.
16. Did we boil meat and fried fish and potatoes? We didn't boil meat and fried fish and potatoes.
17. Did I prepare the breakfast myself? I didn't prepare the breakfast myself.