1. It often snows in scotland in winter. True 2. In Glasgow it rains every day. False. The weather in Glasgo is different during the year. 3. The sun always shines in Spain. False. It's raining sometimes in Spain 4. A cold wind blows in edinburgh in winter. True 5. It is raining now. False. The sun is shining now. 6. The sun is shining at the moment. True 7. The sky is blue now. True
P.S. Скорее всего эти вопросы составлены по какому то тексту, который вы до этого должны были читать. Так что отвечать на них надо по тексту. Если же брать информацию о погоде из интернета, то скорее всего отвечать надо так.
1) ...White Sea isin ... north of our country. 2) Where is the... Red Sea situated? 3) The...Volga is one of the longest rivers in Europe. 4) The... Caspian Sea is in .the.. south of Russia. 5) ... Moscow and ... St Petersburg are famous for their museums. 6) .The..Urals are old mountains, they are not very high. 7) The... Pacific Ocean is in the...east of our country. 8) ... Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in ... Siberia. 9) ... Tverskaya Street is in the centre of ... Moscow. 10) ... Hyde Park is in the centre of ... London.