Why we investigate the English language.
The English language in daily life meets as in programs which we use for satisfaction of the or public blessings as well in the further life language promotes to increase concept about what or a subject or in his(its) designation not a little. As an elementary example to this serves - buying the mobile phone, first of all we pay attention to his(its) firm of manufacturing, in a usual measure people in such a way опредляют quality of the goods, we remove a back cover, and there is written - made in Germany, not knowing анлйский language, we and can not define(determine) his(its) claimed data. It is only small part proceeding from that, how many in life the English language happens us suitable.
Почему мы изучаем английский язык.
Английский язык в повседневной жизни не мало встречается как в программах,которыми мы пользуемся для удовлетворения своих или общественных благ,также и в дальнейшей жизни язык к увеличению понятии о каком либо предмете или в его обозначение. Элементарным примером этому служит - покупая мобильный телефон,первым делом мы обращаем внимание на его фирму изготовления,в обычной мере люди таким опредляют качество товара,снимаем заднюю крышку,а там написано - made in Germany,не зная анлйский язык,мы и не можем определить его востребованные данные. Это лишь малая часть исходя из того,сколько в жизни английский язык нам бывает пригодным.
Christmans - Christmas, in modern England on which a lot of tradition are most usual people. In England it has taken place December, 25. Today it is business " creation of money by shops " which has now tradition:most people do(make) tradition of purchase of gifts for their members of family. People also buy Christmans a tree. This tradition has arrived from Germany. It was in the nineteenth century. Each Christmas, London receives a gift from people of the Christmas fur-tree of Norway - a which is 23 meters in height. It costs(stands) in the centre of London, in Trafalgar the Square (area), and it is decorated with 500 white fires. Christmans - time is members of family. In evening (night) people gather when Christmas. Celebrating Christmas is Christmas dinner and at hearing Квиха Christmas - Christmans when Queen speaks directly to "its("her") people on TV and by radio. There are many royal traditions in England. The telegram of Queen - not so old tradition, but it - very much old men. Each British person receives the telegram from Queen on them ohe-сотой-части. Change (replacement) it - very beautiful tradition. Each morning tourists go to observe ceremohy in the Buckingham Palace. At 11.30 protection which faces to change (replacement) of a palace. Words which need to be inserted; protection, speech, was introced, includes, is connected, the case, is celebrated to follow, mark, is kept, unites anniversary.