Let me introduce myself. My name is Kolya. I am 12 years old. I was born and live in Stavropol. I am a sportsman. When I started boxing, I made a lot of new friends who are also involved in the boxing club in which I train. My parents live in a small village far from Krasnodar. I am the only child in the family. I love boxing. I visit it 3 times a week. I want to become a professional boxer and be like Mike Tyson or Roy Jones Jr.!
Позвольте представиться. Меня зовут Коля. Мне 12 года. Родился и живу в Ставрополе. Я спортсмен. Когда я начал заниматься боксом у меня появилось много новых друзей, которые тоже занимаются боксёрском клубе, в котором занимаюсь я. Мои родители живут в небольшой деревне далеко от Краснодара. Я единственный ребёнок в семье. Я люблю заниматься боксом. Хожу на него 3 раза в неделю. Я хочу стать профессиональным боксёром и быть похожим на Майка Тайсона или Роя Джонса младшего!
1. Fishing is not allowed here.
2. I heard the TV set explode.
3. She appeared to be very nervous.
4. I keep telling you - it was an accident.
5. Jack is good at painting ceilings.
6. She wondered who to ask.
7. It is difficult to understand him.
8. She did not know what to expect from them.
9. My wife warned us not to touch the table.
10. He refused to tell me what all the fuss was about.
11. There’s no sense in visiting him. He’s not at home.
12. Elephants are known to have a fantastic memory.
13. I let her get on with her work.
14. Colin had no idea of how to get into the house.
15. I’d rather be in bed than go to work.
16. I crossed the road without looking.
17. We advised her not to spend a year abroad.
18. I always dreamed of living in a small house by the seaside.
19. She made us wait for hours.
20. She learned to treat pupils with respect.
Тебе нужен Past simple?