Each person had days when he was happy, and when he was sad. And also, there was a day after the incident of which, for a long time it was impossible to forget him. And I have a day that I remember the most, as the brightest and happiest day in my lifeThen I laughed for real, rejoiced and was even afraid that the same day in my life could not be.But I understand that this is not the last time I can return those feelings againLife is a long thing, there will be many things. You just need to watch out for the moment.!I will live! (111 слов)
My best day of the year was wen I celebrated New Year with my friends in Moscow. We decided to celebrate that New Year all together a few days ago. There were six of us. We saw Kremlin at midnight and listened to our president mr.Putin. It was wonderful. We all felt lots of exciting feelings. After all we decided to continue our celebration with our parents and relatives.
Мой лучший день в году был, когда я праздновал Новый год с моими друзьями в Москве. Мы решили отпраздновать этот Новый год все вместе несколько дней назад. Нас было шестеро. Мы видели Кремль в полночь и слушали нашего президента господина Путина. Это было замечательно. Мы все испытали много захватывающих чувств. Ведь мы решили продолжить наш праздник с родителями и родственниками.
I didn't understand why you posted it, but okay