The Present Perfect time denotes an action that has been completed to date or completed in the present time period. Although English verbs in Present Perfect are usually translated into Russian in the past tense, it should be remembered that in English these actions are perceived in the present tense, since they are tied to the present by the result of this action.
Present Perfect tense is formed with the help of the auxiliary verb to have in the present tense and the past participle of the significant verb, that is, its "third form".
To have in the present tense has two forms:
has - 3rd person, unit. h. (He has played)
have - 1 and 2 persons singular and all forms of plural. h. (I have played)
Personal pronouns and auxiliary verbs are often shortened to he’s, they’ve, etc.
Depending on the time used in the sentence, abbreviations like he’s can be deciphered both as he is and as he has.
The second participle, or the past participle (Participle II), can be obtained by adding the ending -ed to the initial form of a significant verb:
examine – examined
enjoy – enjoyed
close – closed
Edwin Arlington Robinson
An Old Story
Strange that I did not know him then,
That friend of mine!
I did not even show him then
One friendly sign;
But cursed him for the ways he had
To make me see
My envy of the praise he had
For praising me.
I would have rid the earth of him
Once, in my pride! . . .
I never knew the worth of him
Until he died.