Boris will wake up when it is already quite light. He will look at his watch. It will a quarter to seven. Quick! Boris Will jump out of bed and will run to the bathroom. He will have just time to take a cold shower and drink a glass of tea with delicious sandwiches. He will a hurry to catch the 8 am train.
At the railway station he will meet three other boys from his group. They all will have small backpacks and fishing rods.
In less then a hour they will get off the train at a small station near a wood. They will walk very quickly and soon will find them selves on the shore of a large lake. The Boys will spend the whole day there fishing, boating and swimming.
Past: Boris woke up when it is already quite light. He looked at his watch. It was a quarter to seven. Quick! Boris jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. He had just time to took a cold shower and drank a glass of tea with delicious sandwiches. He was in a hurry to catch the 8 am train.
At the railway station he met three other boys from his group. They all had small backpacks and fishing rods.
In less then a hour they got off the train at a small station near a wood. They walked very quickly and soon find them selves on the shore of a large lake. The boys spent the whole day there fishing, boating and swimming.
The girl in grey came again to that quiet corner of the small park. She sat down upon the bench.
Her face was beautiful.
The young man came near. At the moment her book fell on the ground. The young man picked up the book, returned it to the girl.
The girl said, “Sit down if you like, the light is too bad for reading, let’s talk”.
“Let’s change the subject. Now tell me about these passing people. Where are they going? Why do they hurry so? Are they happy? I speak to you because I want to talk to a man not spoilt by money. Oh, you don’t know how tired I am of money, money, money! And of the men who surround me!
“I always had an idea”, said the young man, “that money must be a very good thing”.
“When you have so many millions? Dinners, theatres, suppers! I’m tired of it”, said the young girl.
The young man looked at her with interest.
“And I always liked,” he said, “to read and to hear about the life of reach people.”
What is your profession?”
“I am a cashier in the restaurant "said he
“Why are you not at work?” she asked.
“My work begins in an hour. The driver waits for me there. Good night!”
“May I accompany you to the car?”
“You will remain on this bench for ten minutes.” And she went away. The young man looked at her while she was going to park gate, then he rose and followed her. When the girl reached the park gate, she turned her head to look at the white car, then passed it, crossed the street and entered the restaurant.
The young man then got into the white automobile and said the driver.
“To the club, Henry!”
Девушка в сером снова пришла в этот тихий угол маленького парка. Она села на скамейку.
Ее лицо было красивым.
Молодой человек подошел ближе. В тот момент ее книга упала на землю. Молодой человек взял книгу, вернул ее девушке.
Девушка сказала: «Садись, если хочешь, свет слишком плох для чтения, давай поговорим».
"Давайте сменим тему. Теперь расскажите мне об этих проходящих людях. Куда они идут? Почему они так спешат? Они счастливы? Я говорю с вами, потому что хочу поговорить с человеком, не избалованным деньгами. О, ты не знаешь, как я устал от денег, денег, денег! И мужчин, которые окружают меня!
«У меня всегда была идея, - сказал молодой человек, - что деньги должны быть очень хорошей вещью».
«Когда у вас так много миллионов? Обеды, театры, ужины! Я устал от этого », - сказала молодая девушка.
Молодой человек посмотрел на нее с интересом.
«И мне всегда нравилось, - говорил он, - читать и слышать о жизни богатых людей».
Ты кем работаешь?"
«Я кассир в ресторане», сказал он
«Почему ты не на работе?» - спросила она.
«Моя работа начинается через час.
« Водитель ждет меня там. Доброй ночи!"
«Могу ли я сопровождать вас к машине?»
«Вы останетесь на этой скамейке на десять минут». И она ушла. Молодой человек посмотрел на нее, пока она собиралась парковаться у ворот, затем встал и последовал за ней. Когда девушка достигла ворот парка, она повернула голову, чтобы посмотреть на белую машину, затем мимо нее, пересекла улицу и вошла в ресторан. Молодой человек сел в белый автомобиль и сказал водителю:
«В клуб, Генри!»
A- a tradishional dish
B- a street
C- a transport
D- a sport competition
E- a place to eat
задание 5
1- best, 2- spent, 3- was doing, 4- much, 5- couldn't