An essay on the topic "My idol" . Idol is a person that we admire, who we want to be like. My admiration are those who combine ability and good attitude to people. My grandmother was no ordinary man. She's kind, funny, always ready to help. Granny head of the clinic. It is accessed by adults and children. Sometimes in the night she's running to help people. And after that for a long time comes to visit them. It has a lot of commendations from colleagues and people who grandmother assisted. Wrote about her in the Newspapers. For whatever she undertook, she is successful on 5+.She masterfully solves the problem, writes stories, bakes delicious pies, deals on the Internet. My grandmother of five grandchildren. We children and grandchildren love her, she and a friend, and counselor. My grandmother can talk on any topic, fascinating conversation with her. I really want to be like her – a free, wise and sociable. Want to learn how to help people without expecting thanks. My grandmother is my idol. It is a great happiness to have such a grandmother.
Everyone should show consideration when someone asks for the help Everyone should be quiet and listen when the teacher explains a new subject and not to interrupt educational process We have to respect each other and to be friendly We have to help each other in a difficult moment It is forbidden to smoke because it is harmful to your health. Nobode can't sing, dance, talk at a lesson because it we will distract others We can't forbid you to speak on the phone at breaks because parents can call you It is forbidden to solve a problem with violence as it is necessary to be able to solve it structurally
1) 11:10
2) 14:45
3) тут скорее всего было написано is thirty five past four. 16:35.
4) 12:00.
5) скорее всего было написано it is fifty five past two.: 14:55.Правильнее было бы сказать it is five to three. без пяти минут три.
to-это после 30 минут
past-это до 30 минут либо 30 минут.
это про минутную стрелку..
часы так и говорят : one o'clock.- час.
two o'clock.-два часа.
three o'clock.-три часа.
four o'oclock-4 часа.
five o'clock.-пять часов.
six o'clock -6часов.
seven o'clock-7часов.
eight o'clock.-8 часов.
nine o'clock -9часов.
ten o'clock-10 часов.
eleven o'clock.-11 часов.
twelve o'clock-12 часов..
pm - после полудня
am - до полудня.