Виберіть правильні слова в реченні.
1) Tom had a bad accident and was in hospital for two weeks.
2) Mark revised his vocabulary while he was going to school by bus.
3) During classes we learned some useful techniques to pass the exam with a high score.
4) In the end he found a prestigious job in a multinational corporation.
5) My parents pay all the bills at the end of each month.
6) I hope our graduate trainee will arrive in time for work tomorrow.
7) The ceremony was well-organised. It began and finished on time.
8) I look forward to celebrating my birthday.
9) Megan enjoys teaching young children.
10) We don’t mind waiting for you outside.
11) Please, stop telling me what to do.
12) She made me say sorry.
Write about an event you are familiar with , for example one you have been to -organise the article into paragraphs -use the Present Simple when describing an event which takes place regularly -use Past tenses when describing an event which took place in the past - -use lively colourful language
Напишите о событии, с которым вы знакомы, например о том, в котором вы участвовали - разбейте статью на абзацы - используйте Present Simple при описании события, которое происходит регулярно - используйте время при описании события, которое произошло в используйте живой красочный язык