are the hospitals good in your country? 2. have you ever been to hospital? 3. did you have to wait long? what was the service like? 4. were there any situations when you preferred home remedy instend of visiting a doctor? why?
There are not very good hospitals in our country, I don't go there often. I had to wait quite a long time, but the service and treatment was just wonderful. There was only one situation when I only had a cough, in this case I just decided to drink medicine and not spend money on looking at the throat.
Что ж, попробую. (текст буду писать сразу в прошедшем времени! 1. армия выиграла битву/ the russian army won the battle. 2. они продавали только газеты на улице/ they were selling newspapers on the street. 3. мальчик появился скоро/ the boy appeared very soon. 4. он всегда говорил правду/ he always spoke the truth. 5. солнце поднималось и всё становилось таким ярким/the sun was rising, and everything was so bright . 6. он вставал в пять и ловил автобус в 6: 30/he was up at five and catch the bus at 6: 30. надеюсь, всё правильно.
Lomonosov Moscow State University is one of the oldest and the largest universities of Russia. It was founded in 1755 by the famous Russian scientist Michael Lomonosov 1) Originally the university was called Imperial Moscow University, but in 1940 it was changed to Moscow State University named after Lomonosov 2) Shuvalov and Lomonosov are the founders of this university 3) 1. The biggest clock in Russia is located on the main building of MGU 2. Nowadays people from 87 counties are getting education in MGU 3. graduates from MGU of various faculties including physics, chemistry are Nobel laureates.
There are not very good hospitals in our country, I don't go there often. I had to wait quite a long time, but the service and treatment was just wonderful. There was only one situation when I only had a cough, in this case I just decided to drink medicine and not spend money on looking at the throat.