1. never see 2. usually drive 3. do you work 4. do you start 5. work 6. it opens 7. does bus take 8. stops 9. do you always use 10. enjoy 11. listen 12. read поставь как лучший ответ
1. Не said that we(they) had forgotten to take the ball 2. She said that she would be very glad to see me 3. Walter advised(proposed) going to the Philharmonic as there was a good concert there that night. Robert agreed and added that he hadn't been to the Philharmonic for a long time. 4. Alec asked me if I had ever been to the National Gallery. I answered that I had.And added that I had visited it the previous year when we had been staying in London. 5. Nellie said that the day before she had gone to see Paul, but he hadn't been at home. Then Nick proposed visiting him that day as he thought he would be at home. But Nellie refused as she couldn't go that day, because she was very busy. 6. He asked who that man was and added that he didn't know him. 7. I thought (that) he was a very clever man and could help me. 8. My brother said that two hours later he would have finished his work and then(after that) he would go to the cinema. Then he offered me going there together. I agreed. 9. The teacher told us to open our books and begin reading the new text. 10.The girl asked what the price of that dress was 11. I asked my father to help me with that problem as I couldn't solve it. My father agreed and proposed trying to solve it together. 12. Kate proposed going to Finland for the winter holidays. Andrew refused as they had already been to Finland and proposed going to Greece. He explained it would be very interesting to see the country they had read about so much.Kate agreed.
1. Ships are equipped (pres simp pass) with radar sets helping them to orientate at the sea. 2. Polzunov was (past simp) the first to construct a steam engine. 3. Russian engineers have developed (pres perf) a new cargo airplane “Ruslan” capable of carrying load up to 150 tons. 4. It was found (past simp pass) that proton and neutron have almost the same weight. 1. Суда оборудованы радиолокаторами ориентироваться в море. 2. Ползунов первым построил паровой двигатель. 3. Российские инженеры разработали новый грузовой самолет «Руслан перевозить грузы до 150 тонн. 4. Было обнаружено, что протон и нейтрон имеют почти одинаковый вес.
2. usually drive
3. do you work
4. do you start
5. work
6. it opens
7. does bus take
8. stops
9. do you always use
10. enjoy
11. listen
12. read
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