INVENTIONS AND DISCOVERIES LISTENING 1 Read this quotation. Say what Simon Newcomb got wrong? Think of at least 3 reasons why flying is practical. "Machines heavier than air will never fly. It is not practical. It will never be important and it is probably impossible.”' Simon Newcon (1835-1909)
everyone at least once in a life passed some kind of exam. should we worry about the results of the exam after we did that? at first glance, an answer to this question seems to be a piece of cake. but people actually split down in the middle with no clear confidence. being in the dark about our mark makes us feeling nervous. some people even become down in the dumps, i mean, they fall into depression bothering themselves. they even may understand that it doesn’t make any sense but they commonly can’t help it. but there is a category of people that can manage to not let their hairs down. they stay still whatever they do, particularly, sit in for a test.
to conclude, i don’t want to beat around the bush, that’s why will tell you my clear viewpoint. i also think that feeling nervous while waiting for exam results doesn’t add up.
ТВ шоу талантов являются одним из самых популярных типов развлечения на телевидении в эти дни, но это не просто певцы и танцоры, которые делятся своим талантом со студийной аудитории и телезрителей. В возрасте 22 лет, Абди фарах выиграл реалити-шоу произведение искусства с его художественными творениями. Премия была его выставка в мире-знаменитый Бруклинский музей в Нью-Йорке и более 1000,000 доллар. Во время соревнований , Абди фарах создал множество картин и фотографий, но его скульптуры спортсменов и автопортреты были какие-Хин выиграл титул будущий Великий художник. Для Абди, принимая участие в шоу был величайший художественный опыт его жизни. Перед шоу, он ожидал узнать о бизнесе и работе с людьми, но он нашел, что он на самом деле узнал много нового об искусстве сам. По его мнению, одна из лучших вещей о шоу, зрители смогут следить за развитием произведения искусства от начала, когда они всего лишь идеи, до готового продукта.
everyone at least once in a life passed some kind of exam. should we worry about the results of the exam after we did that? at first glance, an answer to this question seems to be a piece of cake. but people actually split down in the middle with no clear confidence. being in the dark about our mark makes us feeling nervous. some people even become down in the dumps, i mean, they fall into depression bothering themselves. they even may understand that it doesn’t make any sense but they commonly can’t help it. but there is a category of people that can manage to not let their hairs down. they stay still whatever they do, particularly, sit in for a test.
to conclude, i don’t want to beat around the bush, that’s why will tell you my clear viewpoint. i also think that feeling nervous while waiting for exam results doesn’t add up.