"Hello! My name is Cannelle. I am from Ireland. Today I'm going to talk to you about an important festival in my country. On the 17th of March Ireland celebrates a special fesitival called Saint Patrick's Day. On this day people wear green clothes and colourful hats. People paint the Irish flag or a shamrock on their faces. A shamrock is the symbol of my country. There are always huge parades and everybody wants to watch them. Many people come to Ireland from other countries to takepart in the parades. Everybody has a great time. You should come to Ireland some Saint Patrick's Day to celebrate because it's fun!
What will you do when далее следует любое придаточное предложение времени, но там главное, чтобы сказуемое(глагол) стояло в настоящем времени, хотя на русский язык, если в главном предложении уже сказуемое стоит в будущем времени (есть глагол will), то обе части предложения будут относиться к будущему времени. What will you do when you finish school? - Чем будешь заниматься после окончания школы? What will you do when you finish your work? - Чем будешь заниматься после окончания (своей) работы? What will you do when you finish the translation? Чем будешь заниматься после того, как закончишь перевод? What will you do when you grow up? - Чем будешь заниматься, когда подрастёшь (вырастешь)? What will you do when they come to your birthday party? Что будете делать, когда они придут к тебе на день рождения? и т.д. аналогично стройте любые другие предложения).
"Golden Goose" - a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm about the "stupid" younger son, who managed to marry the princess with the help of the forest man and his golden goose. A man had three sons, the youngest of whom was called the bad, always subjected to ridicule and hurt. Once in the woods cutting firewood went on intelligent eldest son received from his mother a cake and a bottle of wine. Along the way he meets an old gray-haired man, who asks him to share the cake and allow to drink a sip of wine, but gets rudely rebuffed: Koli I'll give you a sample of their pie so sip of his wine, so to me, and to be nothing left. Get out! As punishment for his greed, magic man, the eldest son gets the ax by a tree and injured his hands. A similar story is repeated with a reasonable middle son, who is injured legs. The third son, simpleton, too, wants to go to the felling. The mother gives him a cake with water and sour beer. Also, having met a gray-haired man, Fool agrees to share a meal with him, and discovers instead of cakes cake instead of sour beer - good wine each. In gratitude, the gray-haired man shows a bad special tree in which he finds a golden goose. Pick up the treasure, the guy spends the night at an inn, where three landlady's daughter trying to pinch off the golden goose of the pen, but the stick so that they can not escape. Without any worry of involuntary companion Fool in the morning goes on. Met pastor tries to shame dragging a guy girls, but touching one of them is attached to the number of prisoners stuck. The same thing happens with prichёtnikom who wanted to reason with the pastor, and two Met peasants. So they reached a town where the rules of the king who issued a decree stipulates that those who laugh his pensive daughter, get her to wife. Then simpleton too, I decided to try his luck, and succeeded, thanks to the tragicomic position seven captives golden goose. In turn, the king began to consistently come up with various excuses not to marry his daughter to marry a rogue. The first task was to - to drink the wine cellar, the second - to eat a mountain of bread, and the third - to come on the ship, and the ability to move by sea and by land. Fool in all cases in a hurry to the forest to the gray-haired man, who fulfills all the conditions of the king. So Fool became a royal in-law, and later inherited the throne, and his wife, living in prosperity and in harmony.
"Hello! My name is Cannelle. I am from Ireland. Today I'm going to talk to you about an important festival in my country. On the 17th of March Ireland celebrates a special fesitival called Saint Patrick's Day. On this day people wear green clothes and colourful hats. People paint the Irish flag or a shamrock on their faces. A shamrock is the symbol of my country. There are always huge parades and everybody wants to watch them. Many people come to Ireland from other countries to takepart in the parades. Everybody has a great time. You should come to Ireland some Saint Patrick's Day to celebrate because it's fun!
Thank you for listening."
gifts - лишние слово