Once a Frenchman was travelling in Sweden. He stopped at a hotel in a little Swedish town. It was evening, the man was tired, so he went to bed at once. In the. morning he had breakfast in the hotel restaurant. After breakfast he went for a walk. He walked along the streets of the town, visited a museum and shops. Presently he felt hungry and dropped into a cafe for lunch. He sat down at a table, called the waiter and ordered mushrooms. But the Frenchman did not know Swedish and the waiter did not know French. Nobody in the cafe could speak French. Then the Frenchman took a piece of paper and a pencil and drew the picture of a mushroom. The waiter looked at the picture and left the room at once. Five minutes later he returned with an umbrella.
My friend's birthday will be soon, in July. Unfortunately, my friend lives in other country that's why i can't go to him for celebrating his birthday. But i was there last year. I was very glad because we spent some days together. His birthday was very funny. That day was full of energy, adrenaline, the best moments, very funny fotos. It was the best event in my life. But the cause my friend is not here, today i spent him a gift. He lives in Costa Rica and loves Russia very much. So, i spent him our national doll - matreshka and little our flag. Hope that he will like it and it will remind me at his birthday. Sure that with such gift he won't feel loneliness at his birthday.
b) так как нужен вариант с притяжательным падежом