Polina Gagarina was born on March 27, 1987 in Moscow. The family was half creative - the girl's mother Ekaterina Muchkaeva is a ballerina, besides she worked as a choreographer in a Moscow modeling agency. And father Sergei Gagarin worked as a doctor. The future actress repeatedly recalled that the family was friendly and cohesive. Polina acquired such feelings as dedication, perseverance and integrity in childhood.
Полина Гагарина появилась на свет 27 марта 1987 года в Москве. Семья была творческой наполовину - мать девочки Екатерина Мучкаева - балерина, к тому же она трудилась хореографом в московском модельном агентстве. А отец Сергей Гагарин работал врачом. Будущая артистка не раз вспоминала, что семья была дружная и сплоченная. Такие чувства, как целеустремленность, стойкость и принципиальность Полина приобрела еще в детстве.
Ingredients: 1 egg, plus 2 extra egg whites 300 ml warm milk 10 g sugar 10 g yeast 225 g flour vegetable oil for frying butter for greasing blini Method of Preparation: 1. To make a paste mix the yeast, milk, flour and sugar and egg yolk together in a large bowl. 2. Whisk the egg whites in a separate bowl until they form stiff peaks, then put them into the paste. Cover the bowl and set aside at room temperature for 20 — 30 minutes. 3. Heat a frying pan until medium hot, add a little vegetable oil and middle ladle of the blini mixture. 4. Cook the blini first on one side until golden-brown then turn it over and bake the other side then put blini onto a large flat plate and grease it with butter. Repeat with the remaining batter and keep the blini warm until ready to serveIngredients: 1 egg, plus 2 extra egg whites 300 ml warm milk 10 g sugar 10 g yeast 225 g flour vegetable oil for frying butter for greasing blini Method of Preparation: 1. To make a paste mix the yeast, milk, flour and sugar and egg yolk together in a large bowl. 2. Whisk the egg whites in a separate bowl until they form stiff peaks, then put them into the paste. Cover the bowl and set aside at room temperature for 20 — 30 minutes. 3. Heat a frying pan until medium hot, add a little vegetable oil and middle ladle of the blini mixture. 4. Cook the blini first on one side until golden-brown then turn it over and bake the other side then put blini onto a large flat plate and grease it with butter. Repeat with the remaining batter and keep the blini warm until ready to serve
1. desk 2. furniture 3. fireplace 4. hot water 5. room 6. windows 7. TV set 8. chairs 9. study room 10. visitors 11. armchairs 12. to the rigth of I. have four rooms in our new flat 2. My wife has a lot of things on bureau ... in her bedroom. 3. They have no TV set... in the sitting room. 4. She has wardrobe... in her bedroom. 5. In front of the house there i s a garden 6. There is desk in his study room. 7. There are a lot of books on the bookshelf 8. They, have a garden behind their house 9. My bedroom faces a garden 10. Our bedrooms are big and cosy 11. When we get up in the morning we go to bathroom 12. If you want to make coffee go to kitchen 13. In the evening our father likes to watch TV in sitting room 14. In the corner of her room there is a table 15. Our flat is on the second floor
Polina Gagarina was born on March 27, 1987 in Moscow. The family was half creative - the girl's mother Ekaterina Muchkaeva is a ballerina, besides she worked as a choreographer in a Moscow modeling agency. And father Sergei Gagarin worked as a doctor. The future actress repeatedly recalled that the family was friendly and cohesive. Polina acquired such feelings as dedication, perseverance and integrity in childhood.
Полина Гагарина появилась на свет 27 марта 1987 года в Москве. Семья была творческой наполовину - мать девочки Екатерина Мучкаева - балерина, к тому же она трудилась хореографом в московском модельном агентстве. А отец Сергей Гагарин работал врачом. Будущая артистка не раз вспоминала, что семья была дружная и сплоченная. Такие чувства, как целеустремленность, стойкость и принципиальность Полина приобрела еще в детстве.