1 The big earthquake caused many buildings to collapse and people were left homeless.
2 Neil suffered horrific burns when he was caught in a fire that broke out in his house.
3 Drought will occur in an area when it hasn't rained for an unusually tong period of time.
4 What started out as a light breeze soon became a very strong wind.
5 A terrible flood caused by three days of continuous rain has destroyed many houses in the small fishing village.
6 David Bower was a legendary environmentalist who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize twice.
7 When the avalanche hit the area, dozen of people were snowed in for many hours.
8 The well-trained lifeguard was able to rescue the drowning swimmer and quickly bring him to safety.
1 В результате сильного землетрясения многие здания рухнули, и люди остались без крова (бездомными).
2 Нил получил ужасные ожоги, когда попал в пожар, вспыхнувший в его доме.
3 Засуха возникает в районе, где не было дождя в течение необычно продолжительного периода времени.
4 То, что начиналось как легкий ветерок, вскоре превратилось в очень сильный ветер.
5 Страшное наводнение, вызванное трехдневным непрерывным дождем, разрушило много домов в маленькой рыбацкой деревушке.
6 Дэвид Бауэр был легендарным защитником окружающей среды, дважды номинированным на Нобелевскую премию мира.
7 Когда лавина обрушилась на этот район, десятки людей были завалены снегом в течение многих часов.
8 Хорошо обученный смог тонущего пловца и быстро доставить его в безопасное место.
1) We decided to elect Emir captain of our team.
2) You cannot shelter your children from the realities of life.
3) He cultivated his small garden.
4) Thanks to the nice weather, we could harvest all of the crops in a day.
5) We had a record crop of grapes this year.
6) Bubusara Beishenalieva was an outstanding ballerina.
7) She was awarded the prize for both films.
8) He was an orphan and lived with his uncle.
9) Crops are grown in rural areas.
award (v.) - НАГРАЖДАТЬ - to give a prize to someone for something they have achieved
cultivate (v.) - КУЛЬТИВИРОВАТЬ/ВОЗДЕЛЫВАТЬ - to prepare land and grow crops on it
crop (n.) - УРОЖАЙ - the amount of plants of a particular type that are produced at one time
elect (v.) - ВЫБИРАТЬ - to choose someone for a particular job or position by voting
harvest (v.) - УБИРАТЬ УРОЖАЙ -to pick and collect crops.
outstanding (adj.) - ВЫДАЮЩИЙСЯ - excellent and much better than most
orphan (n.) - СИРОТА - a child whose parents are dead
rural (adj.) - СЕЛЬСКИЙ - relating to the countryside and not to towns
shelter (v.) - ЗАЩИЩАТЬ/ОГРАЖДАТЬ - to protect someone from difficult or unpleasant experiences