He almost ran over the neighbour's cat!I hope we won't run out of petrol before we get home!I ran into Eddie in the supermarket yesterday.Most cars run on unleaded petrol.The robber tried to run away from the police but he didn't manage to.
Он чуть не задавил соседского кота!Надеюсь, у нас не закончится бензин до того, как мы доедем домой!Вчера я столкнулся с Эдди в супермаркете.Большинство автомобилей работают на неэтилированном бензине.Грабитель пытался убежать от полиции, но ему это не удалось.
1. We met in the afternoon to play a game of football. 2. My Friend Steve ran better than ... 3. Jane had vegetables for lunch. 4. The Smiths went to museums at weekends. 5. My dad often took me to the cinema. 6. Ben saw his friends but not very often. 7. Alice read a lot of books in summer. 8. Andy wrote to us from abroad. 9. My mum gave me tea for breakfast. 10. Colin began his day early. 11. We ate ice-cream and drank juice in a cosy cafe at the end of the street. Желательно добавить в конце каждого предложения (кроме №4 и №7) слово "yesterday", так будет логично.
1. Mary may have left the phone off the hook. 2. Doctors must scrub their hands carefully. 3. May I take your pen? 4. II needn't have read the book, so I didn’t. 5. We mustn't copy tests answers without the teacher's permission. 6. They might spend this evening at home. 7. They must have misunderstood the instructions of mine. 1. They always lock the car to prevent it _from_being stolen. 2. This scenery reminds me __of___ my native country. 3. My girlfriend is taking care __of__ my cat. 4. It is wrong to be rude __to___ other people. 5. They have been delighted _with___ their gifts. 6. He is sentenced __to__ nine years in prison.
Он чуть не задавил соседского кота!Надеюсь, у нас не закончится бензин до того, как мы доедем домой!Вчера я столкнулся с Эдди в супермаркете.Большинство автомобилей работают на неэтилированном бензине.Грабитель пытался убежать от полиции, но ему это не удалось.