Once upot a time in a small Swedish village there lived bully boy Nils. Gnome was turned him into a dwarf/ Nils made a trip from Sweden to Lapland on geese.He felt into different adventures and learned a lot of geography, history and culture of their country.
Однажды в маленькой шотланской деревне жил озорной мальчик Нильс. Гном превратил его в карлика. Нильс совершил путешествие из Швеции в Лапландию на гусях. Он попадал в разные приключения и узнал много нового из географии, истории и культуры своей страны.
1. the practical significance of customs law is determined by the fact that as the development of international relations, the increase in the volume of trade between our country and the countries of the world community, an increasing number of citizens depend on the state of the customs system and the legality of customs activity.
2. in the modern view, the term “customs” covers a complex set of relations directly related to foreign and domestic policies and the activities of the state. within the framework of state policy, customs business serves the satisfaction of diverse interests and needs.
3. the main purpose of the customs policy of any state is to ensure its economic interests.
4. the customs system of russia has the richest experience in protecting the economic sovereignty and security of the state, the domestic market, domestic trade and industry.