The kingdom of camelot is plunged into chaos. witchcraft and magic sow discord among people. uther pendragon, who came to power, forbids witchcraft on pain of death, expels wizards, kills all dragons, leaving only one for edification. after 20 years, camelot arrives merlin, a native of a small village, born with magical abilities. he becomes an assistant to the court physician, gaius, who helps him find the destiny of his gifts. performing one of gaius's orders, he gets into a fight with a warrior, who turns out to be the king's son, arthur, and goes to prison. there he first hears the call of the dragon, not accessible to any ordinary people. this voice haunts merlin in a dream, and in the end he follows him into the cave of the castle, where the dragon is imprisoned. he reveals to merlin that his mission is to help prince arthur, the future king of camelot, unite the warring kingdoms of the island of albion
Ionce went with his parents to america relax.pislya that we osylylysya the hotel, we went rozvazhatysya.spochatku we went to aktraktsiony then competed in various competitions, and at the end we got to the cave "fear" .we were monitored, because we we can easily zabludytys.koly i passed various ways, it is a mortgage on labyrint.tam were skeletons, bats alive, were monsters of fosku they were so real that i even goosebumps bihaly.buly various scenes of murder scenes about monsters, such as zombies, vampires and mummies. i was very happy with i think americans invented very cool entertainment.