1-1 usually go online after dinner and chat with my friends. 2- When I find a song that I like, I dowland it and then Ilisten to it on my music player. 3- On holiday, usually read e-books or play ganmes on my tablet. 4-I use my phone to text my friends or or send instant messages to them. 5-I take a lot of photos, then I upload them so I can share them with my friends. 6-I love music, so I vwatch a lot of music videos; [' d like to make a video one day!
a) Alice went to the cinema with us yesterday. b) Andrew was notat school last week as he was ill. c) Did you pass the exam, John? - Yes, I did. a) Kate was talking on phone while Jack was driving the car. b) Was he doing his homework when you came? - No, he wasn't. c) She was not listening when he was telling her how to get to the nearest metro station. a) By the time she had finished cooking, family gathered in the dining room. b) She thought that Mike and Ann hadn't met each other before. c) Had you reached the airport by the time the plane landed?
1 a) Alice went to the cinema with us yesterday& b) Andrew. wasn't at school last week as he was ill. c) Did you pass exam, John?-Yes, I did 2.Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол во времени Past Continuons: a) Kate was talking on phone while Jack was driving the car. b) Was he doing) his homework when you came?-No, he wasn't c) She was not listening when he was telling her how to get to the nearest metro station. 3. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол во времени Past Perfect: a) By the time she had finished cooking, family gathered in the dining room. b) She thought that Mike and Ann had not had the meet each other before. c) Had you reached the airport by the time the plane landed?
1-1 usually go online after dinner and chat with my friends. 2- When I find a song that I like, I dowland it and then Ilisten to it on my music player. 3- On holiday, usually read e-books or play ganmes on my tablet. 4-I use my phone to text my friends or or send instant messages to them. 5-I take a lot of photos, then I upload them so I can share them with my friends. 6-I love music, so I vwatch a lot of music videos; [' d like to make a video one day!