Ноутбук отличается тем что у ноутбуков более низкие характеристики чем у настольных персональных компьютеров хотя от отличие размывается с каждым годом. У типичного ноутбука меньше оперативной памяти и меньше объём жёсткого диска, чем у такого же по цене настольного компьютера, и у него
The main cause of air pollution is that Almaty is located at the foot of Zailiyskiy Alatau with heights over 4000 meters in the vicinity of the city, and mountain glaciers. The high altitude, the accumulation of snow and ice, leads to the fact that down through the valleys into the city drains very cold air that creates the city's temperature inversion. Another, no less serious cause of air pollution of Almaty specialists associated with reckless construction of high rise buildings that have become a barrier to mountain-valley air circulation. The dominance of transport is also a significant source of air pollution in Almaty.
I can’t remember any person in my life who ever said “I don’t like travelling”. To my mind travelling is one of the best activities a person can do. And there are many reasons to travel. First of all, travelling is seeing the world and getting new experiences. When you travel you usually go sightseeing, visit local attractions and go to museums and galleries, where you can see the masterpieces of world art, for example. As for me I like watching landscapes of countryside, waterfalls, valleys, I enjoy the view of the oceans, sees and beaches. Second reason to travel is to meet people and experience new cultures. When I travel I always try to find some friends from other countries. Then we keep in touch in social networks, talking about our countries, our interests, which also helps me to practice my English – another advantage of travelling. I normally try to speak English in shops and cafes as my parents don’t speak English very well. Moreover, my family and I love tasting local dishes! People in various parts of world have such different cuisines. When we come home after our trip we find recipes and try to cook the dishes we liked the most. Travelling is also a chance to understand yourself in a better way. You can see the places and think where you want to live and work in future. So I am sure, that travelling is very useful and I wish I could travel even more.
Ноутбук отличается тем что у ноутбуков более низкие характеристики чем у настольных персональных компьютеров хотя от отличие размывается с каждым годом. У типичного ноутбука меньше оперативной памяти и меньше объём жёсткого диска, чем у такого же по цене настольного компьютера, и у него
также будет менее мощный графический адаптер.