1.We will do this tasks tomorrow. 2.In next wednesbay will be brother's birthday. 3.My mom will make yammy cake for us. 4.I will not met you today. 5.For brekfast we will have porridge, cocoa and butterbrot with cheese. 6.You'll do this exercise without mistakes.
Will we do this tasks tomorrow? Will Brother's birthday be in next Wednesday? Will mom make yammy cake for us? Will i met you today? What will you have for breakfast? Will you do this exercise without mistakes?
Отрицат - это вместо will поставь willn't и в will not убери not
1. The Browns' children are taken to school in a car. 2. Bread is bought by us in the nearest shop. 3. All meals are cooked for us by our mother. 4. She is always invited to their parties. 5. The Tower of London was formerly used as a prison. 6. The stranger was allowed by her to come in. 7. I was given two shilling change at the shop. 8. He was seen by me downstairs five minutes ago. 9. The students of group 7 will be examined first. 10. I will be allowed to have a ride on a bicycle. 11. The children will be allowed to watch the TV. 12. She will be told to come at five.
1.We will do this tasks tomorrow. 2.In next wednesbay will be brother's birthday. 3.My mom will make yammy cake for us. 4.I will not met you today. 5.For brekfast we will have porridge, cocoa and butterbrot with cheese. 6.You'll do this exercise without mistakes.
Will we do this tasks tomorrow? Will Brother's birthday be in next Wednesday? Will mom make yammy cake for us? Will i met you today? What will you have for breakfast? Will you do this exercise without mistakes?
Отрицат - это вместо will поставь willn't и в will not убери not