Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb: look after, look for, look forward to, look up. I) Where are you going to … her? 2) I'll just … the train times in the schedule. 3) Don't worry, I'll … the kids tomorrow. 4) I … seeing you. 2. Используйте слова в скобках для образования предложений в Future Simple. Обратите внимание, в какой форме должно стоять предложение (утвердительной, вопросительной или отрицательной). football at the institute. (to play) emails. (not / to write) English? (to speak) 1) They _ 2) She _ 3) _ you 4) My mother _ fish. (not / to like) Ann _ any friends? (to have) 5) … 6) His brother in an office. (to work) 7) She _ very fast. (cannot / to read) they _ the flowers every 3 days? (to water) 8) _ 9) His wife a motorbike. (not / to ride) 10) _ Elizabeth coffee? (to drink)
Healthy lifestyle is getting more and more popular nowadays. People understand that it is better to stay healthy and fit than to treat illnesses and diseases. Besides, being healthy means being happy. Healthy people are more attractive and more successful in life.
There are many ways of keeping fit. Firstly, we can go to fitness clubs or gyms. Secondly, we can go jogging or rollerskating. In fact, walking or jogging are the cheapest and most accessible sports. But we need to remember that we should do it on a regular basis. A healthy diet is an important part of staying healthy, too. This diet contains lots of fruit and vegetables, fish and lean meat. We should choose food with reduced amounts of cholesterol, fat, sugar and salt.
In my region teenagers prefer such sport activities as playing football, swimming, cycling and rollerskating.
1) In /Belarus//traffic/drives on the/right 2) wearing/seat belts/is mandatory 3) the speed/limit/ in /built-up/areas/ is /60km/h 4) in/ residential/areas/the/allowed/ /speed is/20km/h 5) /outside//built-up areas the/speed/limit is 90km/h/ 6) on/motorways the speed//limit/ is 110 km/h/ 7) drivers/must/give way/to pedestrians/at//pedestrian/crossings 8) using/hand-held/cell phones/ while driving/is/not allowed 9) the minimum/driving/age/is/18 years/ 10) in Belarus /traffic safety/is/controlled by//the Traffic police called /GAI
Healthy lifestyle is getting more and more popular nowadays. People understand that it is better to stay healthy and fit than to treat illnesses and diseases. Besides, being healthy means being happy. Healthy people are more attractive and more successful in life.
There are many ways of keeping fit. Firstly, we can go to fitness clubs or gyms. Secondly, we can go jogging or rollerskating. In fact, walking or jogging are the cheapest and most accessible sports. But we need to remember that we should do it on a regular basis. A healthy diet is an important part of staying healthy, too. This diet contains lots of fruit and vegetables, fish and lean meat. We should choose food with reduced amounts of cholesterol, fat, sugar and salt.
In my region teenagers prefer such sport activities as playing football, swimming, cycling and rollerskating.