Надо сделать текст из 7-8 предложений используя текст снизу, желательно красивый. 1. Many people in the UK stay up until midnight on New
Year’s Eve, 31 December, so that they can celebrate the start of
the New Year. People see in the New Year with their friends and
family. Sometimes one can be invited to someone’s New Year
Eve houseparty. Many pubs and clubs have special events
2. A few minutes before midnight, British people traditionally watch Big Ben (the clock in the Houses of Parliament), and
celebrate after it strikes for the 12th time: this is shown on television. It’s a tradition to join hands at midnight and sing Auld
Lang Syne, written by the Scottish poet Robert Burns.
3. In London, people often gather in the area around Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, Leicester Square and Parliament Square from about
9 pm until the early hours of the morning. They listen to Big
Ben and watch a 10-minute firework display at the London Eye
starting at midnight. The fireworks are also shown live on large
screens in Trafalgar Square, and on BBC1 TV channel.
4. In Scotland and in the north of England people follow the
custom of the First Foot. People try to be the first ones and
knock at their friend’s houses after midnight. In many places the first-footer is allowed to be a resident of the house, but they must not be in
the house when the clock strikes midnight. The First Foot
is traditionally a tall, dark-haired man. In some places a woman or fair-haired man are thought as unlucky. The First Foot
usually brings several gifts, including a coin, bread, salt, coal, or a drink (usually whisky) for good luck.
5. On New Year’s Day people make New Year’s Resolutions
(promise to start doing something good in the new year).
Popular resolutions include to improve (make better):
health: lose weight, exercise more, eat better, give up smoking;
finances: make more money, save money;
career get a better job;
education: care about studies, get better grades, get a better education, learn something new (such as a foreign language or music);
self: become more organised, lessen stress, be less grumpy , manage time, be more independent.
ответ:Hi friend,
How are you?I`m fine.
It`s really
great!It good!
Im today just say the my home.
How many rooms will you have?Сколько комнат у тебя есть?
I have ... rooms.
What your favourite room?Какая комната у тебя любимая?
My favourity room is .
Will you have a animals in house?У тебя есть питомцы дома?
Yes/No I have/haven`t.
I like the house,because it is very rich house!
How many bathrooms will you have?Kitchens,sleep rooms?
Сколько у тебя ванн,кухн,спальных комнат?
I have ... bathrooms,... kitchens,... sleep rooms.
What you have at kitchen?Что у тебя есть в кухне?
I have at kitchen ... ... ... ... ... ... .
Ok,thank you!
Good bye!