Тигра очень живой и подвижный. Он обожает прыгать. Именно благодаря живучести своего характера он является другом кенгурёнка Ру, но за это его не любит Кролик, так как Тигруля часто всё ломает. Но в целом он хороший товарищ и друг.
На английском:
The tiger is very lively and mobile. He loves to jump. It is thanks to the vitality of his character that he is a friend of the kangaroo Ru, but for this the Rabbit does not like him, since Tigger often breaks everything. But in general he is a good friend and comrade.
go on grow up give up carry out wash up put up pick up throw away cut down stay out
b) 1. Large companies cut down the trees for valuable hardwood. 2. Don’t throw things away. Use them in another way. 3. Litter collectors pick up all the litter near cafes and restaurants. 4. Let’s put up a notice about a football club. 5. He usually washes up after dinner. 6. Students must carry out all the necessary work at the lesson. 7. He gave up watching horror films before going to bed. 8. He wants to be a pilot when he grows up. 9. She always goes on about her school problems. 10. My mother doesn’t allow me to stay out so late.
New Zealand is a wonderful country. It is situated in the Pacific Ocean not far from__Australia. It consists of two big islands and some small islands. New Zealand is larger than__UK but smaller than__Japan. The country is famous for its beautiful countryside, fantastic beaches and lots of sunshine. Tourists from__Europ,__Asia, and the North America come to New Zealand to enjoy the nature and do outdoor sports. The capital of New Zealand is__Wellington. But the largest city is__Auckland which is famous for the Queen Street.
Тигра очень живой и подвижный. Он обожает прыгать. Именно благодаря живучести своего характера он является другом кенгурёнка Ру, но за это его не любит Кролик, так как Тигруля часто всё ломает. Но в целом он хороший товарищ и друг.
На английском:
The tiger is very lively and mobile. He loves to jump. It is thanks to the vitality of his character that he is a friend of the kangaroo Ru, but for this the Rabbit does not like him, since Tigger often breaks everything. But in general he is a good friend and comrade.