The Leaning Tower is the best-known sight of the Italian city of Pisa. Its building started in 1173. But five years later the tower began to tilt. The soft clay soil couldn’t bear the weight of such a heavy structure. The construction was halted for almost a century to let the clay beneath the foundation harden.It took over 800 years to finish all the building works. Many generations of engineers took efforts to straighten the tower but in vain.
Now the Leaning Tower has seven bells and eight floors. Its maximum height is 55.86 meters. There are 294 steps to its top.
Every year the Tower of Pisa attracts millions of tourists and thousands of scientists. But most of them admire the structure from outside because of entrance restrictions. Only thirty people are allowed to stay inside at a time.
Holidayresort- курорт
To get a suntan- загорать
To go on excursions- ходить на экскурсии
To visit museums- посещать музеи
To go sightseeing- осматривать достопримечательности
To line on the beach- лежать на пляже
To hire a car- брать машину на прокат
To go to a disco- ходить на дискотеку
To go to a night club- ходить в ночной клуб
To play pool- играть в бильярд
To go to the zoo- ходить в зоопарк
To go to the park- ходить в парк
To go to the circus- ходить в цирк
To go to a concert- ходить на концерт
To go to the ballet- ходить на балет
To play bingo- играть в лото
To go jogging- бегать трусцой
To hike- путешествовать пешком
To paint- рисовать красками
To do gardening- заниматься садоводством
To swim in the pool- плавать в бассейне
To knit- вязать
To play musical instruments- играть на музыкальных инструментах
Leisure/spare time- свободное время
To collect stamps/coins- коллекционировать марки, монеты
To sew- шить
To embroider- вышивать
To buy some souvenirs- покупать сувениры