Think before you act online S me what we post on our favourite social network can have consequences weit One woescond , 20 youn odunes Moer posted on Fobook page that he was s boring When he got to work on Monday is touto him to do is desk and out out Hoia etter 100 sd After roadng your comments on Facebook about our company . We understand you are not happy with your work . We think it is better for you to look for something mot you will find more interesting Aow yours ago , giay party turned into a right here year old Cathy posted an invitation to her terhidayarty in She posted ads , too . When he parents got back from them that ever , they couldn't beberthely There were 600 pleatherty , and some of them were most widows , breaking potted plants and making at me of house Most other they now everything about social media or that thing this shown to tu . study shows that is your one more than the on young De wondwide of trouble of their ces
Here are some important tips . None of them can guarantee 100 % Internet security , but all of them will help you to be safer online . HULE 1 : Share with erel Not everyone will like what you will on Facebook or Twitter . Think before you post something you can ever completely control who see your profile , your texts your pictures of your videos Before clicking post everyone should ask themselves two question : How will I felt my farnity of teacher so tha and How might this post be bad for me in three , five or ten years from now ? RULE 2 : Bo polito wton you will Imagine someone is unfriendly in real life You don't like it , right ? Well , the same is true of online communication , Politectens matters . und anyone can be polite . No one kes when you shout in your message DONT USE ALL CAPITALS you feel angry or frustrated while you're writing a message wait a bit . Read it again later and then sendit , RULES : Protect and respect Don't share your passwords with anyone Don't post your home or erial actress online Beware of cyberbullying - don't forward rumors about other people , and don't say negative things about them . If you get Messages like that or see them online talk to an adult you know
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